Monday, April 2, 2007


**The choice to smoke in public places should be left up to each individual. **
  • People have a right to go/or not go to places where there is smoking
    • Infringes on rights to say you can or cannot smoke here
  • Property owners (bar or restaurant) have right to declare property smoke free or not


Anonymous said...

its the places' choice whether they want their customers to smoke, its gonna be ridiculous if theres a law that prevents that choice. Everyones different and if poeple choose to smoke and want to go to place where they can smoke then they shoudlnt be denied. You could make your thesis a little more fouced and out on the limb by showing some more emotion in it... just a suggestion.

Greg Chant said...

I beg to differ. If smoking only affects the smoker, like say chewing a gum. what you're suggesting is highly plausible. However, smoking is affects all the people that the smoker share space with. So its not only the smoker's business, it becomes everybody else's. I could suggest that you include days addiction cure programs in your thesis, that will be awesome!