Friday, January 12, 2007

Class Discussion about Niki's Window

One of my opinions about what was said in class about Niki's Window:

Analogy about family coming over to visit-
In regards to the super bowl, I think that the city had to clean up to make a good impression on the visitors. Otherwise no one would have given Detroit a chance. So the visitors come and see all the positive aspects of the city (and they were not able to see most of the negative things) so possibly their mindset has changed. Therefore if and when they decide to come back to Detroit they know it is just another city like Chicago or New York and has problems, but will overlook these things because their first experience (super bowl weekend) made a positive impact and showed them what the city could do.
If you have "new" friends coming to your house you would most likely know in advance (like super bowl weekend) so you would clean up. Why? To make a good impression, just like Detroit did. After you being to become comfortable with your "new" friends you won't care as much if your bathroom is spotless or everything is put away because you know you made a good impression on your friends and they know that you clean your house. (I.e. previous positive impression)
So Yes, I think that it was necessary for Detroit to clean up before the Super Bowl so that people would give the city a chance. I do however feel that shipping the homeless people out of the city was a little over the top and somewhat inhumane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My question to you melissa is that you made the reference to cleaning up in advanced before a friend comes over and your completely right, But dont you normally clean up once a week anyways just to make sure your house stays clean. Detroit doesnt do that very well. THey cleaned up for the Super bowl but why dont they continue to put that same effort into trying to clean up the city on a normal basis. So much money is going towards other things, Second to education... i think the city of detroit should be getting a good part of that contribution so that when the next super bowl comes to detroit we wont have to clean up as much.