- People have a right to go/or not go to places where there is smoking
- Infringes on rights to say you can or cannot smoke here
- Property owners (bar or restaurant) have right to declare property smoke free or not
Monday, April 2, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
essay idea
- There are a couple ways to look at this topic. There is the culture aspect of it, people of middle eastern decent think of it as a common thing to do and don't look at it as being harmful.
- There is the business owner's point of view, which could also tie into the culture aspect (if the business owner was of that culture). The business owner doesn't care if it is unhealthy, just as long and he/she is making money.
- The adolescents' point of view who smokes hookah most likely doesn't care that it is unhealthy, or is just niave and doesn't know how unhealthy it is.
- Then on the other side there is the community that feels it is their duty to let people know that it is unhealthy because people are under the misconception that hookah is healthier than cigarettes.
here is a link to an article published by the Dearborn Press & Guide Last week about hookah bars becoming more popular in Dearborn.
This is an excerpt from the article from the American Lung Association of Michigan:
"The American Lung Association of Michigan is passionately against tobacco use in any form. We are currently working with our partners to advocate for legislation banning smoking in workplaces, bars and restaurants in Michigan," he said. "We will continue to fight for the elimination of tobacco use in any form, as well as educate our youth to the perils of tobacco and provide top quality smoking cessation programs for those who unfortunately smoke now."
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hookah in East Dearborn



Monday, March 19, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Thursday, March 8, 2007
- Retail Sales dropping
- Feb. had record lows. Coldest in 3 decades. High gas prices and cold temps put spring clothes on the back burner
- Real Estate sales in SE Michigan (foreclosure auctions)
- Forclosure are bad for some people but good for other.
- Ideal for first time home buyers
- Single-family home and condiminums are seeing a rise in sales
- Grant Murder Case
- Lots of drama
- many odd twists in the story
- hard to find attorney to take case
- Dearborn Public Schools zoning changes
- Fordson high school is crowded
- By 2012 there could be 500 less students at Fordson
- More students would attend Edsel Ford High School
- Comerica's Move
- Shows that Detroit needs to shape up
- losing 200 jobs to texas
- people deciding whether to take their accounts out
Comerican and Grant Murder Case
FREEP.com emphasizes on all the new twists and turns that are developing in the Grant murder case. While the Comerica story emphasizes on how our city has a bad reputation. It goes in depth even to say how Comerica employees in the past have lured potential employees by taking them to the opera and the art museum.
The Comerica issue is mostly just the facts. There isn't too much drama to go along with the story. Basically the only drama is what are current Comerica account holders going to do and that our city really is going down the tubes. The story is straight forward and also upsetting since we will be losing 200 jobs to another state.
The Grant Murder case is facts mixed with a lot of drama. Everyday there seems to be a new twist or new evidence found that makes the story even more bizarre. At first the story was more drama and feelings where invoked. "Mother gone missing" all you could do is think about her children. "Torso found in family's garage" all you could do was be disgusted. Now it getting more into the facts. He's in jail and going on trial. There can't be too much drama to go along with that, except trying to find an attorney to take the case.
There were 2 other stories about the real estate market. The one story talked about a company holding foreclosed housing auction with 260 up for auction and the other story talk about how the single-family homes sales increase. I guess they are both positive.
I may be considering writing about the Grant murder case.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
State Theatre
Party Planning
Mayor O'Reilly
Even thought O'Reilly received 16,00 votes, the city of dearborn has about 50,00 registered voters. So only about 34% of the registered voters casted their ballots.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Ex-student arrested for gun at Redford High" anytime you hear about guns and students you have to read more. Luckily this situation didn't escalate.
Of course one of the top stories was about the murder of Tara Grant and her final moments. It is getting a bit excessive but you know that the media will run it into the ground.
More people got killed in the middle east because of a car bomb...imagine that... everyday there will be something about the war in the middle east.
Friday, March 2, 2007
pre review
- Name: Compari's
- Location: 350 Main Street Plymouth, MI 48170
- Hours of Operation:
RESTAURANT HOURS MONDAY: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM TUESDAY: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM WEDNESDAY: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM THURSDAY: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM FRIDAY: 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM SATURDAY: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM SUNDAY: 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Rest. Review
- When did it open
- Location
- What occupied the space before
- Suggest what to order
- Explain what comes with your suggested entree
- Tell how long it takes to get your food
- What are the days of operation
- Smoking/Nonsmoking
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
- create a list of qualities about cheryl that I want to shine through in paper
- use more vivid details
- get another source about cheryl
- proof read
- making intro stronger
Friday, February 16, 2007
Me vs. School
Some ways to keep on track:
- make to-do lists (a little girly, i know)
- keep a planner/calender to keep track of important dates
- have a routine
- set aside blocks of time for studying
Song List
- Tetris: because my neighborhood is very diverse
- The Killers,When you were young : because there is a huge park across the street from my house and it reminds me of when i was younger
- What a Wonderful World: because I love my neighborhood
- Top Back: because there is a lot of loud music coming from the teenagers' cars when they drive up and down the streets
- All will be well: because everyone has a positive attitude
Friday, February 9, 2007
I' m thinking i can write about her schooling, other jobs, specific things about sign language, how she impacted me, and life as a principal.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Not The False Starts, Not The Stalling
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I called HR @ ann arbor yesterday and they said there was no record of the hours i worked durning that pay period! What the heck! Just so everyone can sleep easy tonight I talked to the payroll in my department today and I'm going to add the missing hours onto my next check. So it all works out.
Okay I'm not going to lie.... it sucked no being able to go shopping or tanning the past couple weeks but i survived. My dad also gave me some money for lunch so everything was okay. My BEEF is what is i lived on my own and I had actual bills to pay?!?! People really need to pay attention to the tasks of their job, especially when you are paying people the money they worked for. I know everyone is human and that the lady in payroll could have been having a bad day, but i COULD HAVE been evicted from my apartment or something drastic like that.(if i had one lol)
Come on people ...JUST DO YOUR JOB!
Peer Editing
PS: I need to break my coffee addiction ASAP :/
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Essay Update
I never thought that i was going to enjoy this blogging business but I love it!! :)
ps. to answer *love me or hate me* : i do my all my colors/fonts in the "create" tab under "posting" let me know if that helps you out at all :)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I *heart* Coffee
I thought it was very interesting in Jiving with Java when Marriott talked about how some coffeehouses have laundry machines and coin-computers. I think that there are two kinds of coffeeshops...(1) actual chains i.e. starbucks and (2) mom & pop's/family owned and operated.I think those are excellent marketing strategies for genuine coffeehouses. But, let's be serious starbucks and caribou don't really care about the atmosphere or the coffeehouse, all they want is your $4 for your tall vanilla latte.
p.s. I drink at least one cup of coffee everyday :-X
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Faded Detroit
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
When Hooks begins to talk about the homeplace and what it is used for I also agree. I think that your home should be were you regain strength that the world has drained out of you. Also you should feel safe and be able to find comfort. The "homeplace" should be a place of refuge.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Class Discussion about Niki's Window
Analogy about family coming over to visit-
In regards to the super bowl, I think that the city had to clean up to make a good impression on the visitors. Otherwise no one would have given
If you have "new" friends coming to your house you would most likely know in advance (like super bowl weekend) so you would clean up. Why? To make a good impression, just like
So Yes, I think that it was necessary for
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Essay Topic Idea
I'm thinking about writing my essay on a huge park that is in
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Niki's Window
When Herron is explaining how the interior of the "Dodge Brother's" shop looks he explains that mostly everything is the same as it once was. I.e. the brick walls and old shop floors show through and old signs were made into props. Now when people come into the restaurant they are given a feeling of nostalgia and are made to feel as if they are living in a part of history that has made a big impact on our lives. I feel that not renovating this space was a great marketing technique by Kefallinos because people love to pretend that they are somewhere else.